Codon UUU is _? Codon GGG is _ ? Codon UGA is _ ? Codon AGT is _ ?.3.Amino acids are the monomers of proteins!
#Store and transmit genetic information code#
2.Each codon is the code for 1 particular amino acid out of 20. Amino acids 1.Every 3 bases on the mRNA is called a codon.Uses 20 amino acids as the ingredients for EVERY LIVING THING on our planet!! Actual synthesis of the polypeptide (protein) Translation RNA Reunion Happens at the ribosomes (in cytoplasm & the rough ER).Transcription Happens in the Nucleus Creates mRNA that can leave the nucleus Uses base pairing rules of: A-U, T-A, C-G & G-C.Transcription & Translation Transcription is making the mRNA to be used in protein synthesis Translation is the actual synthesis of the protein needed to build the organism.RNA - RIBONUCLEIC ACID 3 types ~mRNA, tRNA & rRNA RNA is similar to DNA except: 1.Assisted by enzymes called DNA polmerase. Ensures each daughter cells is an exact copy of the parent cell. Happens during the S phase of Interphase. Replication Making new DNA from existing DNA.